Please select Yes or No

Please select Yes or No

Please select Yes or No

Please select Yes or No

Please select Yes or No

Please select Yes or No

Each distinct platform or system that maintains required ACA data such as Payroll, HRIS, Benefit Enrollment, Time & Attendance, COBRA, or other similar system.

Please list all if more than one.

Please list all if more than one.

Please enter the desired year in the format YYYY. NOTE: Our ACA services are based on the tax year (e.g., the information filed in January 20X1 is for the 20X0 tax year). Any requests for services starting after October 31 must be for the following tax year, e.g., services starting in January 2025 cover the 2025 tax year with filing in January 2026.

All full-time, part-time, seasonal and variable-hour employees subject to measurement.

Number of anticipated 1095-C forms for this tax year OR the number of 1095-C forms produced last tax year.

All Covered Individuals (including FTE’s, COBRA Continuants, Retirees, etc.)

Please enter the percentage as ##%.

May include COBRA Continuants, Retirees, or other if applicable.

Please provide any additional important details about your request.